Patient___________________________________ Examiner ____________________________ Date____________

Maximum Score: ____________


5 ( ) What is the (year) (season) (date) (day) (month)?
5 ( ) Where are we (state) (country) (town) (hospital) (floor)?


3 ( ) Name 3 objects: 1 second to say each. Then ask the patient all 3 after you have said them. Give 1 point for each correct answer. Then repeat them until he/she learns all 3. Count trials and record.

Attention and Calculation

5 ( ) Serial 7’s. 1 point for each correct answer. Stop after 5 answers. Alternatively, spell “world” backward.


3 ( ) Ask for the 3 objects repeated above. Give 1 point for each correct answer.


2 ( ) Name a pencil and watch.
1 ( ) Repeat the following “No ifs, ands, or buts”
3 ( ) Follow a 3-stage command: “Take a paper in your hand, fold it in half, and put it on the floor.”
1 ( ) Read and obey the following: CLOSE YOUR EYES
1 ( ) Write a sentence.
1 ( ) Copy the design shown.

Total Score: __________

ASSESS level of consciousness along a continuum: Alert –  Drowsy – Stupor – Coma


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