SSRI (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) Drugs:

Effective For Sadness, Panics, & Compulsions.

Effective – Escitalopram
For – Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine
Sadness – Sertraline
Panic – Paroxetine
Compulsions – Citalopram

The mnemonic also gives the main indications: Depression (Sadness), PTSD and anxiety disorders (Panic), and OCD (Compulsions). 

  • SSRI’s and SNRI’s are first-line pharmacotherapy for PTSD! Of course, psychotherapy comes first.
  • SSRI’s are first-line pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders! Of course, psychotherapy comes first.
  • SSRI’s are first-line pharmacotherapy for major depressive disorder. Of course, psychotherapy comes first.
  • SSRI’s are first-line pharmacotherapy for OCD. Clomipramine is a TCA that works for OCD as well. Of course, psychotherapy comes first.

Side Effects of SSRI’s

7 S’s:
Stomach upset (GI upset)
Sexual dysfunction
Serotonin syndrome – with other serotonergic agents (i.e. MAOs) – hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, flushing, diarrhea
Sleep difficulties (insomnia)
Suicidal thoughts ( esp. in patients age 24 and under)
Stress (agitation, anxiety)
Size increase / Weight gain

SNRI’s (Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors):

Vexed & Depressed

Vexed – Venlafaxine
Depressed – Duloxetine & Desvenlafaxine (active metabolite of venlafaxine) — Duloxetine

Indications of SNRIsGeneralized Anxiety Disorder (Vexed) and Major Depressive Disorder (Depressed)

Adverse effects:
Same adverse effects as SSRI’s, plus
Adrenergic effects (awake [insomnia], anxious, agitated)