-Lidocaine w/ or w/o epi
-1ml syringe,
-25 G needle x 2
-Alcohol swaps

Skin tag on the neck.
I used lidocaine with epi. Injected it below the skin tag and formed a wheal that lifted the skin tag off. I simply used the scissors to cut off the skin tag from the root. Then I applied silver nitrate to the would and placed a small round bandaid on it.

Counseled patient about what to expect.

I used silver nitrate sticks, the one that comes in a packet like matches sticks, just with longer handles.

Silver Nitrate Stick Therapy is a chemical cautery agent which is used to:
1) Achieve hemostasis
2) Remove excess granulation tissue around stomas such as gastrostomy and tracheostomy stomas.
3) Remove necrotic tissue from a nonhealing or infected wound.
