Shoulder relocation with Dr. Stillings
Sedation: Propofol. Gave 40mg; When that wasn’t enough, we gave an additional 30mg to work in the 88 year old with anterior dislocation of the shoulder after fall.
Method. Using body weight.
Got a bed sheet and tied a square not of it around my waste and left enough room to fit her hand. I moved the know to the back so fuse my view wasn’t impaired.
When she was fully sedated and fell asleep, I moved closer, took her for arm and put under my sheet so the sheet is at the elbow. I used my bag to pull out her upper arm while rotating it internally and then externally.
When Cher step off resolves, then you have reduced the shoulder. A good way to know that you have reduced it is to take the arm and bend it across her chest to touch her contralateral shoulder.
We did that for our patient and she could touch it.
Get Chest X-ray to confirm it.
Anterior shoulder dislocations are the most common.

This image from Medscape shows the technique we used. We didn’t do the second towel on the torso. We only did the one around the forearm.
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