Dates of Service:

Admission Diagnosis:


Discharge Diagnosis:

Indirect hyperbilirubinemia

Hospital Course

Describe hospital course…

[The Hospital course is like the History part and the physical examination below is the PE part of the H & P.]


Vital Signs:

General: Awake and alert, comfortable, in NAD.

Skin: Scleral icterus greatly improved from yesterday. Skin less jaundiced.

Head – NC/AT; AF open and is flat. No cephalohematoma or caput.
Eyes – Red reflex present b/l.
Ears – TMs normal
Nose – Normal mucous membranes, no rhinorhea
Throat & Mouth – Sucking and rooting reflex present, palate normal.
Neck – Supple
Lungs – CTAB
Heart – RRR, no murmurs, 2+ brachial and femoral pulses, CR <3 sec

Abdomen: Normal BS, soft, non-distended, no massess, umbilicus clean.

Genitourinary: Normal female external genitalia

Extremities: Negative Galeazzi Sign, Negative Ortolani and Barlow, FROM

Back: No tuft or hair, no dimple

Neurologic: Normal Moro, rooting, Babinski reflexes

Diagnostic Findings:

Dietary Instructions: Breast or bottle ad lib

Medications: Cholecalciferol 400 units; Sig: Take 1ml daily; Disp: 50ml

Disposition and Follow-Up: Discharged home. Follow up with PCP in 2-3 days.

Condition of Patient at Discharge: Stable
