Definition: Anterior knee pain that is worse with running downhill or going downstairs.
Risk factors:
DDx & Etiology:
Diagnostic studies:
Common presentation: The most common symptom is pain beneath the patella.
-Modify running program,
-Start an exercise program to strengthen the quadriceps and hips,
-Use a knee sleeve with a doughnut-type cushion that the patella fits into.


Note: Patellofemoral pain syndrome doesn’t just occur in the pediatric population. It occurs in adults as well.

The examination is often positive for an apprehension test over the patella.

  • “A torn meniscus can cause medial joint line tenderness as well as a positive McMurray’s test, defined as a click and/or pain when moving the knee from flexion to extension with valgus stress.
  • Prepatellar bursitis causes anterior knee pain, usually associated with tenderness, swelling, and redness over the prepatellar bursa.
  • Osgood-Schlatter syndrome causes anterior knee pain over the tibial tuberosity.
  • Pes anserine bursitis causes medial knee pain just distal and slightly posterior to the joint space”


Further Reading

Nontraumatic knee pain: A diagnostic & treatment guide. J Fam Pract 2014;63(12):720-728.

Patellofemoral pain. BMJ 2015;351:h3939.

