-Patient with bright red blood in his semen.
-History and Physical done.
-He is sexually active.
-No history of coagulopathy
-No other genitourinary symptoms.
-PE of the penis, testes, and DRE are normal.
-In this sexually active male < 40 years of age, will get GC / CT urine probe.

“In males younger than 40, hematospermia is usually benign and self-limited. Examination of the testes and prostate is warranted but findings are usually normal. If the patient is sexually active a screen for STDs is reasonable. Imaging of the genitourinary tract, a serum PSA level, and urology referral are unnecessary in patients < 40 unless the history or physical examination suggests an unusual cause.” ABFM


Am Fam Physician 2009;80(12):1421-1427. http://www.aafp.org/afp/2009/1215/p1421.html

