Mnemonic: See sth, Say sth, Do something. EVM
Eye Opening (E)
- 4 = Open spontaneously
- 3 = Open to verbal command (to voice)
- 2 = Open to pain
- 1 = No response
Verbal Response (V)
- 5 = Oriented, converses (normal conversation)
- 4 = Disoriented, converses (disoriented conversation)
- 3 = Inappropriate responses (words, but not coherent)
- 2 = Incomprehensible sounds (no words, only sounds)
- 1 = No response
Motor Response (M)
- 6 = Obeys verbal command
- 5 = Localizes to pain
- 4 = Withdraws from pain
- 3 = Decorticate (flex) posture to pain
- 2 = Decerebrate (extend) to pain
- 1 = No response to pain.