“Death is usually an easy diagnosis. If death is uncertain, lack of pulse, breath sounds, and heartbeat will usually suffice.” Stanford Palliative Care

Pronouncement Procedure Clinical Examination

  • The patient was identified by checking the hospital ID bracelet / ID tag.
  • Pupils checked: No pupillary light reflex (pupils are fixed and dilated).
  • No reaction to verbal or tactile stimulation.
  • No spontaneous respiration/breath sounds. Breathing is absent.
  • No heartbeat/heart sounds can be heard.
  • No carotid pulses palpated.
  • Date and time of death was:_______


Examine respectfully: No Sternal Rubs or Nipple Pinches



Can you pronounce someone dead who is still intubated?




Click to access Tab_6_F_Guidelines_for_Death_Pronouncement.pdf

