Is it mild or severe constipation?
For mild, start with educating the patient. Use methylcellulose and psyllium, increased water intake, dietary changes, exercise, etc. Let patients know that increasing fiber intake may cause bloating and flatulence. Patient to increase dietary fiber slowly and drink lots of water to reduce bloating and flatulence.
If the conservative approach doesn’t work, then other types of laxatives may be used.
For severe constipation, suppositories work well.
-Evaluate patients for systemic d/o that may cause constipation.
-Look for medications that may cause constipation.
-Once secondary causes are ruled out, then treat constipation.
Prune juice
Miralax. Miralax is safe. It can be used in kids 1 month of age and up.
Consider writing a prescription for dietary changes and things like prune juice on a prescription pad with the number of times a day to use it. A doctor’s written prescription is more powerful at motivating behavior change than just an oral recommendation.