- Colposcope
- Biopsy forceps
- Vaginal speculums
- Endocervical speculum (Kogan, both narrow and wide types)
- Endocervical curette (Kevorkian curette, no basket)
- Single Tooth Tenaculum.
- Ring forceps
- Cervical hook (rarely used)
- Normal Saline
- Acetic acid solution 3% to 5% (white vinegar; 4-6 oz or 120-180 mL)
- Lugol’s iodine solution (full strength)
- Monsel’s solution (ferric subsulfate solution), 1 mL –(to stop bleeding)
- Silver Nitrate stick (to stop bleeding)
- Cotton- or rayon-tipped swabs (8-10)
- Junior Scopettes /OB-GYN applicators (6-10) — these are giant Q-tips.
- 4 × 4 gauze
- Urine or sputum cups for vinegar
- Vaginal side wall retractor
- Underpads (“chuck pads”) (17 × 24 inch)
- Cotton balls (15-20)
- Power-assisted patient examination table that can be raised or lowered
- Pap smear materials
-A pre-procedural dose of an oral NSAID