Coding Benchmarks from CMS 2017 data. The source of the data is shown below. The following table is a summary of info I got from an AFP Excel Spreadsheet.

CPT Code %
99201 OV, New, Straightforward 0.57%
99202 OV, New, Expanded 12.01%
99203 OV, New, Low 50.17%
99204 OV, New, Moderate 33.00%
99205 OV, New, High 4.25%
          Totals 100.00%
99211 OV, Est., Minimal 2.05%
99212 OV, Est., Straightforward 2.35%
99213 OV, Est., Low-Expanded 40.92%
99214 OV, Est., Moderate-Detailed 51.70%
99215 OV, Est., High-Comp. 2.98%
          Totals 100.00%

Benchmarks derived from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, E&M Codes by Specialty, the calendar year 2017.

Data available at:
