You don’t need any lab work to diagnose typical Kawasaki disease (KD). It’s all a clinical diagnosis. However, in ambiguous cases, certain lab findings characteristic of KD may support the diagnosis. Supplemental laboratory testing can help in the...
When should you do bronchoprovocation? Bronchoprovocation (e.g., methacholine challenge, mannitol inhalation challenge, exercise testing) should be done if the pulmonary function test results are normal, but the provider still suspects exercise- or allergen-induced...
Recommended Palivizumab in the first year of life for: 1) Infants born before 29 weeks, 0 days’ gestation, 2) Preterm infants with chronic lung disease (CLD) of prematurity, defined as birth at <32 weeks, 0 days’ gestation and a requirement for >21% oxygen...
Risk Factors for Lung Cancer Hx of smoking Second-hand smoke Personal or family history of lung cancer. Age ≥ 65 Radiation to the chest Radon, Asbestos exposure Environmental exposure, industrial chemicals (arsenic, beryllium, air pollution from vehicle and diesel...
CKD Clinical Action Plan from the National Kidney Foundation (KDOQI Guidelines) Source:, Last accessed 3/23/2018
Consider referring to a nephrologist when: The underlying cause unclear after your basic work-up Management of the underlying cause is beyond your scope of practice. A biopsy is needed. There is a rapid progression of the CKD AKI superimposed on CKD. Stage 3a CKD and...