Uric acid as a marker of dehydration

Serum uric acid is a good marker of dehydration. You can use it in patients whose pre-dehydration weight is unknown. In studies, serum uric acid correlated significantly with weight change (in dehydration) and increased significantly along with dehydration severity....

Definition of Chronic Hypernatremia

Chronic hypernatremia is hypernatremia that has been present for longer than 48 hours. Nearly all pts with hypernatremia will have chronic hypernatremia, even those who present with acute changes in mentation who are discovered to have hypernatremia. Hypernatremia due...

Indications for Coronary Angiography

[To be completed] Read this article: Am Fam Physician. 2017 Feb 15;95(4):232-240. Strong recommendations to perform coronary angiography made by AHA (etc) in 2012 As an initial test in patients who have survived sudden cardiac arrest or potentially life-threatening...