Laceration Repair Pre-Procedure checklist

NB: A laceration repair suture kit will have some of the following. Normal saline sterile solution (irrigation bottle) Alcohol Wipes (4 of them) Betadine solution or povidone iodine Gauze, 4 x 4 or 2×2 gauze pads Drape (sterile fenestrated drape) or sterile...

Biopsy: Shave Biopsy Pre-Procedure Checklist

Materials for a Shave Biopsy Alcohol Wipes Povidone/iodine or chlorhexidine [Peridex] to clean the skin in preparation for the procedure. Drape (e.g. fenestrated drape) or clean towel Lidocaine (or Xylocaine) 1% or 2%, with or without 1:100,000 epinephrine for local...

Circumcision Pre-Procedure Checklist

The circumcision tray should have most of what is needed. Ensure supplies are available in the procedure room: Sucrose (Sweet ease) and pacifier. Sucrose to be given immediately upon entering room and PRN. Infant padding, blankets, and towels Alcohol Wipes ( x 4)...

Skin Tag Removal

Equipment: -Forceps -Scissors -Lidocaine w/ or w/o epi -1ml syringe, -25 G needle x 2 -Alcohol swaps Skin tag on the neck. I used lidocaine with epi. Injected it below the skin tag and formed a wheal that lifted the skin tag off. I simply used the scissors to cut off...