
Anticoagulants Presentation, Kenneth Acha MD IEHP Formulary: Eliquis 2.5 Mg Tablet Eliquis 5 Mg Tablet Rivaroxaban should be taken with food, and it interacts with cytochrome P450 3A4 and P-glycoprotein inhibitors. Dabigatran may be affected by P-glycoprotein inducers...

Mechanism of Action of Beta Blockers

From WebMD “Beta-blockers are a class of drugs used to control symptoms of heart failure that are made worse by certain hormones called catecholamines. The body releases these hormones as part of its response to heart failure. For this and other reasons,...

SSRI dosages

Recommended dose range / Starting dose Escitalopram 5-20 mg / 10mg Fluoxetine 20-80 mg / 20mg Sertraline 25-200 mg / 50mg Paroxetine 10-40 mg / 20mg Citalopram 10-40 mg / 20mg ** For patients with panic d/o, PTSD or any panic related d/o, the starting dose should be...