How to Remember USPSTF Grades

A=Absolutely do it.There is high certainty that the net benefit is substantial. B=Better to do it or benefits outway the risks. There is high certainty that the net benefit is moderate or there is moderate certainty that the net benefit is moderate to substantial....

CLUSTER Headache Mnemonic

Mnemonic for CLUSTER headaches Cluster headaches are typically clustered in bouts of about 7 days, except for chronic variant. C – Conjunctival injection (bloodshot eyes). Conjunctival injection = A popular term for eyes that appear red due to dilation of the...

SNOOP: Red Flags for Headache

Get MRI with contrast if you need to get imaging for HA.  “Red flag signs and symptoms include focal neurologic signs, papilledema, neck stiffness, an immunocompromised state, sudden onset of the worst headache in the patient’s life, personality changes,...