Reporting Infectious Diseases (STI, STDs, etc)

Most states require reporting certain infectious diseases. For the county of Riverside in CA, the following forms and links are helpful. (this site gives you the number of the Riverside Public Health Department. Call them if you...

HIV Screening and Confirmation Tests

CDC guide on testing for HIV. Check this! Helpful. “Screening Tests. The conventional serum test for diagnosing HIV infection is the repeatedly reactive immunoassay followed by confirmatory Western blot or immunofluorescent assay. The test is highly accurate...


Initial diagnosis -Screening test: -Confirmation test: See HIV testing here. HIV RNA or p24 if an acute infection is suspected.   Management Screen for STIs. @ follow up CD4 count. Consider CD8. Viral load.   Key Points Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for the...