Sleep Hygiene and Stimulus Control Counseling

Sleep hygiene and stimulus control counseling are a vital part of the treatment of insomnia. Sleep Hygiene Counseling Sleep hygiene refers to actions you can take that will tend to improve and maintain good sleep. Keep a regular sleep schedule. A time for bed and a...

Colon and Rectal Cancers – Handout

What are colon and rectal cancers? The colon and rectum (colorectal) cancer are cancers that occur in the lowest part of the digestive system. The colon is another name for the large intestine. It connects the small intestine to the rectum and anus. Colon cancer is...

Anal Fissures – Handout

What is an anal fissure? An anal fissure is a tear in the skin that covers the anus. The tear may extend into the internal anal sphincter (IAS), which is a circular ring of muscle that surrounds the anus. Anal fissures are called acute if you’ve had them for...

Constipation in an adult – Handout

What is constipation? Constipation is a change in bowel habits. It varies from person to person and there are many definitions of constipation. However, most doctors’ societies agree that constipation involves two key aspects. 1) Decreased stool frequency:...

Hemorrhoids – Handout

What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids), also called piles, are swollen veins inside and around the anus and lower rectum. Everybody has these veins. They normally serve to form a vascular cushion that allows us to be continent. The problem occurs when they...

Pilonidal Cyst – Handout

What is a pilonidal cyst? A pilonidal (pronounced “py-luh-NY-dul”) cyst is a sac or pocket in the skin that is usually filled with fluid, hair, skin debris and other tissues. It almost always occurs near the tailbone (bottom of spine), above the cleft of...