Red Facial Rashes

This table comes from a PDF from the American Academy of Dermatology. Differential Diagnosis of Red Facial Rashes Morphology Symptoms Distribution Treatment Seborrhea Pink-red. Greasy white-yellow scale Often asymptomatic Scalp, brows, nasal crease, in and behind...

Tinea Pedis

TX: Topical antifungal treatment is the treatment of choice for most patients. Systemic antifungal treatment should be reserved for patients who fail topical therapy. Topical drugs effective for tinea pedis include azoles,...


Graves disease causes Pretibial myxedema (whether it presents as hypo- or hyperthyroidism). Usually, it occurs in the lower legs and results from increased deposition of mucin. Diabetes mellitus can cause necrobiosis lipoidica, a lesion on the lower extremities;...