Clinical Findings Associated with Kawasaki Disease

“Kawasaki is characterized by systemic inflammation in all the medium-sized arteries and in multiple organs and tissues during the acute febrile phase, leading to associated clinical findings”. In addition to the classic clinical features used to diagnose...

LDL Cholesterol Calculation and High Triglycerides

As you may already know, the LDL cholesterol that is usually reported when a lipid panel is ordered is not measured but calculated. When the triglycerides are high, LDL cannot be accurately calculated because triglycerides are part of the equation. How is LDL-C...

Severe Asymptomatic Hypertension (Hypertensive Urgency)

Content coming soon.   Sample Case treated *Likely from pain caused by his brain lesion, Methamphetamine abuse, and noncompliance to BP meds *Upon admission was 238/187, by the time hospitalist examined pt it was 160/94 -Pt evaluated for end-organ damage. None is...

Widened, Regular, monomorphic QRS

A 60-year-old male in the hospital. He can talk coherently and is complaining a sudden onset of lightheadedness. He is AOx3 and coherent. HR = 175 beats/min and his blood pressure is 120/62 mm Hg. Rhythm strip shows a widened, regular, monomorphic QRS. What is the...