Pilonidal Cyst

#Pilonidal Cyst -Hair removal: Use Nair, Shaving, or laser to keep the area free of hair. -Sit in a warm bath with Epson salt if infected. -I&D if abscess.


-Definition: Hemorrhoids are engorged fibrovascular cushions lining the anal canal. -DDx: Anal canal cancer; Colorectal Cancer; Anal fissure; IBD; Condyloma; Perianal Abscess; Rectal polyp; Cirrhosis/portal hypertension -Predisposing factors: “Older age,...

Pruritus (Itching)

Diagnosis H&P DDx and Etiology. Diagnostic studies -CBC, CMP (fasting glucose, Alk phos, BUN, Creatinine), TSH -Consider skin biopsy. -Consider scraping (KOH, mineral oil) -Consider culture (fungal, viral, bacterial) -Consider HIV test and CXR if a systemic...


Diagnosis Definition: H&P Risk Factors Different types Common presentation DDx and causes. Diagnostic tests -Mini-Cog score:_______ -Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) Treatment Watch out for aspiration pneumonia in advanced dementia (2/2 to swallowing...

Falls in Geriatric Patients

Diagnosis -H&P: -Risk Factors: -Patients with a history of recent falls are at highest risk for recurrent falls. -Med Review for culprit meds. Decrease or D/C psychoactive medications to prevent falls. -Will evaluate for postural hypotension (orthostatic...