
You see a pregnant woman at initial OB visit and rubella titer is negative. What should you do? Give her the rubella vaccine immediately postpartum. Rubella is one of the TORCH infections. “Rubella has been directly responsible for inestimable pregnancy wastage,...

Torus Palatinus

“Torus palatinus is an exostosis, or benign bony overgrowth. It is usually located on the midline of the hard palate, and occurs in 12%–27% of the population. Since these are usually not symptomatic many people are not even aware of their presence. Torus...

Trench Fever

Body lice transmit Bartonella quintana, which causes trench fever. This disease got its name in World War I, when soldiers in the trenches were often infested with body lice. Treated with antibiotics. Reference Am Fam...