CARDIOLOGY, Clinic A/P, adults, Clinic A/P, Peds, Hospital A/P, Adults, Hospital A/P, Peds
-This patient likely has secondary hypertension. -History and physical exam -The Causes of Secondary Hypertension, reviewed. -BPs have been repeated for accuracy. -Diet and drug-related causes reviewed. -2017 AAFP Algorithm reviewed. Diagnostic studies: -TSH, ECG, UA...
Clinic A/P, adults, Clinic A/P, Peds, Hospital A/P, Adults, Hospital A/P, Peds
-Rule out other possible dx: CNS infection, CNS bleed, metabolic d/o, drug overdose, liver failure, and GI bleed that can mimic or coexist with alcohol withdrawal. Consider CT head and lumbar puncture. -Evaluate patient for complications of alcohol abuse and alcohol...
Clinic A/P, adults, Hospital A/P, Adults, PSYCHIATRY
Diagnosis Diagnosis is clinical. Use a brief validated screening tools like the GAD-7 scale to assess the severity of symptoms and response to treatment. H&P: Risk Factors: Common presentation: Associated conditions: Diagnostic studies: DDx & Causes:...
Clinic A/P, adults, Hospital A/P, Adults, HOSPITAL MEDICINE, NEPHROLOGY
Chronic hypernatremia -Patient with chronic hypernatremia. Unlikely to be acute hypernatremia. -DDx hypernatremia. Admit to Med/Surg Order/Review: Urine osmolality, urine sodium, plasma osmolality at the same time. CBC, CMP Check volume status with vital signs,...
Hospital A/P, Adults, HOSPITAL MEDICINE, Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Should you use NS, LR, or 1/2 NS as Maintenance fluids? Serum osmolality = 2 (Na+) + Glucose/18 + BUN/2.8 Notice that sodium plays a bigger part in determining your osmolality than glucose. That’s why D5 1⁄2 NS is not an isotonic solution. As such, D5 1⁄2 NS is NOT...