Clinic A/P, adults, Hospital A/P, Adults
-Fever/chills, cough, tachypnea. -CURB-65 / PSI to determine site/setting of treatment discussed. -Antibiotic choices discussed. —///— Tools for evaluation of pneumonia severity include: SMART-COP – Predicts the likelihood of the need for invasive...
Clinic A/P, adults, Hospital A/P, Adults
Diagnosis Symptomatic vs. Asymptomatic patients. H&P Presentation of symptomatic patients: mild shortness of breath, lightheadedness with exertion… Treatment -Treatment for symptomatic aortic stenosis is prompt aortic valve replacement. -Treatment for...
Clinic A/P, adults, Hospital A/P, Adults
Reference Am Fam Physician 2014;90(10):711-716
Clinic A/P, adults, Clinic A/P, Peds, Hospital A/P, Adults, Hospital A/P, Peds
Diagnosis How is the diagnosis made? Clinical + CT head. If normal CT, do LP to look for Xanthochromia. The absence of Xanthochromia r/o subarachnoid hemorrhage. -Headache Red Flags. “Early diagnosis of a nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage is paramount for...
Clinic A/P, adults, Hospital A/P, Adults
“Spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist, can bind to androgen and progesterone receptors, in addition to the mineralocorticoid receptors, resulting in breast tenderness and gynecomastia. Eplerenone, another aldosterone antagonist, has greater specificity for...
Clinic A/P, adults, Clinic A/P, Peds, Hospital A/P, Adults, Hospital A/P, Peds
Also called constitutional hepatic dysfunction and familial nonhemolytic jaundice Hereditary asymptomatic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia “Gilbert syndrome is a hereditary condition characterized by a 70% reduction in the ability to conjugate bilirubin,...