-Alcohol level on admission _____
-CIWA protocol
-Long-acting Benzo, scheduled. Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) 25 to 100 mg q6h for one day, followed by 25 to 50 mg q6h for an additional two days. May use 25mg q12h instead q6h.
-Short-acting Benzo, prn: Ativan 0.5-1mg q4h, prn
-Banana bag (NS IVF with multivitamin, Thiamine, and Folate added). Multivitamin tablets daily after the banana bag.
-AVOID Haloperidol (decreases seizure threshold) or Beta-blockers / Central alpha-2 agonists (mask symptoms)
-Sitter in place, prn
-Replete K, Mg, PO4 as needed


Use oral benzodiazepines for the prevention of withdrawal in asymptomatic patients known to be at risk, and for those with mild and minimal symptoms. Oral medications are also preferred in most outpatient settings.
